
Leave of Absence and Returning to School

Leave of Absencearow

Application process for a leave of absence

Online Application Period

Students can apply for a leave of absence through the “Change of Academic Status” page in SAINT during the online application period.

- Among students applying for an academic status change, students who fall under the following categories must submit required documents to the One Stop Service Station.

* Military leave of absence: enlistment notice

* Leave of absence after military discharge: proof of military discharge

(submit one of the following three documents: a copy of discharge certificate, a copy of resident registration, or a certificate of military registration)

* Foreign students: a copy of alien registration card and passport

the One Stop Service Station (Room 106 of the main building)


- Permission for a leave of absence is only granted to students who meet all the criteria. Therefore, students who have applied for a leave of absence must keep track of their application to avoid any penalties.

- Students must settle any unpaid tuition with the Office of Financial Affairs before applying for a leave of absence.

- It usually takes three days to process the application, so students must check their application results through the internet at the proper time.

Students applying for a mid-semester leave of absence or having difficulty accessing the online application can submit their application in person.

Visiting in person for leave of absence application submission

- After printing out and completing the application form, students and their guardians sign the form (guardians can affix a seal with a contact number). Students then consult their academic advisor who confirms and signs the form, and students submit it to the One Stop Service Station via the Office of Financial Affairs (Room 101 of the main building).

※ Once FA is confirmed, tuition is not fully refundable.

※ A student's application for a leave of absence cannot be processed without the confirmed seal of his or her guardian.

- Students applying for a military leave of absence or a leave of absence after military discharge as well as foreign students must submit the documents below along with their application for a leave of absence.

* Military leave of absence: enlistment notice

* Leave of absence after military discharge: proof of military discharge

(submit one of the following three documents: a copy of discharge certificate, a copy of resident registration, or a certificate of military registration)

* Foreign students: a copy of alien registration card and passport

Leave of absence restrictions

1. Students (new and transfer students) are never allowed to apply for a leave of absence in their first semester.

※ Exceptions include military service, serious illness, parenting (pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing), and international travel with family due to official duties.

2. The maximum permitted period for a leave of absence is six semesters (three semesters for transfer students). A military leave of absence is not included in the maximum permitted period.

Dismissal warnings for poor academic performance


One semester: below 1.50, two semesters: below 1.60, three semesters: below 1.70

four semesters: below 1.80, five semesters: below 1.90, and more than six semesters: below 2.00

※ Students who have received a first dismissal warning are not permitted to take a leave of absence. Students who have received a second dismissal warning are permitted to leave for one semester (required to submit a statement of reasons and an academic advisor’s opinion in addition to the application form).


Students who have applied for a special leave of absence are advised to attend classes and take exams until the application is approved.

  • A student can apply for a leave of absence by proxy. In this case, a person representing the student must have the student's ID number and resident registration number and bring the seals of the proxy and the student’s guardian. A student's application for a leave of absence cannot be processed without the confirmed seal of his or her guardian.
  • Students applying for a leave of absence (excluding students who enlist in the military during the semester) must not pay the tuition for the following semester.
  • Students who enlist in the military after taking a general leave of absence must change their status to a military leave of absence.
  • Students can take a leave of absence for one semester or for one year at a time. Students wishing to extend their leave of absence must reapply during the next application period.
  • While on a leave of absence, students are allowed to check out books and register for seasonal courses.
  • During a general leave of absence, no scholarships, other than merit-based and veteran scholarships, are reimbursed or carried over.
  • Students wishing to take a leave of absence must apply online, print out the application form, consult with an academic advisor and secure his or her signature for confirmation, and submit it to the One Stop Service Station.
  • Even students who have met the graduation requirements are not allowed to graduate while on a leave of absence.
  • Students wishing to apply for childcare leave or startup leave must submit supporting documents along with the application form, a statement of reasons, and an academic advisor’s opinion. The permitted period for these types of leave is up to two years.

- Childcare leave of absence: students who are pregnant or have given birth can apply for a childcare leave of absence until their child turns six by submitting the required documents.

- Startup leave of absence: this special leave of absence is limited to tech startups and major-related startups (supporting documents such as a certificate of business registration are required).

※ A startup leave of absence is not permitted during the first semester of the first year.

A guide to tuition reimbursement and carryover

For students wishing to take a leave of absence during the semester after paying tuition, tuition is reimbursed (fully/partially) or carried over based on the following guidelines.

Eligibility for tuition reimbursement

1. Students who mistakenly overpaid tuition

2. Students who submitted a dropout application during the semester

However, tuition is not reimbursed for the following students.

- Students subject to conditional registration after receiving a dismissal warning in the preceding semester

- Students who received a disciplinary action (temporary suspension or higher) during the current semester

3. Deceased students or students who cannot attend school due to force majeure

4. Students who take a leave of absence during the semester (However, students with even one FA are excluded from tuition reimbursement.)

1. Students who take a military leave of absence (based on the enlistment date) during the semester (after the full reimbursement period)

2. Merit-based or veteran scholarship recipients who take a leave of absence during the semester

Amount of

Students falling under Category 1 are fully reimbursed.

The full amount is carried over for students falling under Category 1.


Students falling under Categories 2, 3, and 4 are partially reimbursed based on the tuition reimbursement criteria presented below.

A partial amount is carried over for students falling under Category 2 based on the tuition reimbursement criteria presented below.


- Given that scholarships (excluding merit-based scholarships) awarded to students during their leave of absence are cancelled, the reimbursement criteria are applied based on the actual amount of tuition paid by affected students.

- Application for reimbursement: the Office of Financial Affairs

- Inquiries about tuition reimbursement in relation to the cancellation of scholarships: the Office of Financial Aid and Student Activities

- In the case that some of the tuition of a student who has taken a leave of absence is carried over, the tuition for the student’s “returning to school” semester is determined by subtracting the carryover amount from the tuition for the student’s “leave of absence” semester.

- Application for carryover: the Office of Financial Affairs

- Inquiries about tuition reimbursement in relation to the cancellation of scholarships: the Office of Financial Aid and Student Activities

A table on tuition reimbursement criteria (refer to the academic notice of the Office of Financial Affairs for tuition reimbursement dates)

Date of occurrenceAmount of reimbursement
Up to one day before the semester beginsfull reimbursement
Up to 30 days into the semester5/6 of tuition
From 30 days to 60 days into the semester2/3 of tuition
From 60 days into the semester until the leave of absence application deadline 1/2 of tuition

* No tuition reimbursement or carryover for students receiving a grade of FA

Note 1) For on-campus scholarship (excluding merit-based scholarships) recipients, the above criteria apply to the actual amount of tuition paid by the recipients.

Note 2) Amounts are rounded down to the nearest 1,000.

Note 3) The University’s tuition reimbursement and carryover criteria are subject to the “Rules on College Tuition” of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.



One Stop Service Station(Leave of Absence)(02-705-8000)